What should you not waste time on in your twenties?

  1. Watching tv series

    I know its addictive but one thing you have to understand, there is no end to entertainment. Thousands of tv series releases every week. Rather set small goals like reading a book, waking up early, Learning how to cook and try to achieve them.
  2. Partying and boozing 
    I know it releases a huge amount of dopamine which makes you happy and thrilled but trusts me this is not so cool at all. Rather save money and travel the places you always wanted to.
  3. Doing monotonous work

    20’s is the age of experiment. Try as many new things possible. Learn some instrument to play, go on trekking expeditions, learn public speaking, make meaningful short films. It will make you a lot more creative.3/
  4. Impressing people 

    20’s is the time when we are highly narcissistic. We care a lot about what others would think of us. We do regular check-ins and post our photos using tons of filters just to impress people which is not necessary at all.
  5. Getting influenced by movies

    Movies portray everything perfectly. The hero can fight with 100 people alone or two good people fall in love with each other but in reality, in most of the cases, good boy fall in love with the bad girl or good girl fall in love with the bad boy. and not every story has the happy ending as shown in movies.

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