Day 0 - 100 Days of ML Code Challenge

Hello guys, from today onwards I am going to start 100 days of ML code challenge. I am doing this challenge because I want to improve myself in the field of Machine Learning as well as coding.


Machine Learning is the most transformative technology of our time. Whether it's helping us discover new drugs for major diseases, fighting fraud, generating music, improving supply chain efficiency, the list of applications is truly endless. In order for us as a community to be able to make valuable contributions to the world, we need to master this technology. This is a call to action, a battle cry, a spark that will light a movement to radically improve the state of humanity. 100 Days of ML Code is a commitment to better your understanding of this powerful tool by dedicating at least 1 hour of your time every day to studying and/or coding machine learning for 100 days.


  • I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.
  • I will tweet about my progress every day -> using the hashtag #100DaysOfMLCode
  • If I code at work, that time won't count towards the challenge.
  • I will push code to GitHub every day so that anyone can see my progress.
  • I will update the (Log)[] with the day's progress and provide a link so that others can see my progress.
  • I will work on real projects, facing real challenges. The time spent doing tutorials, online courses and other similar resources will NOT count towards this challenge. 
  • I will try to blog daily about my status and what the new things I learned.
So, let's get started and do some coding.

Start Date - 25 August 2018

If you want to join me, please comment below.


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